GG RO: Relationship Doubt and Obsession is a mobile app designed to help people deal with relationship related fears, doubts and anxiety.
Throw away negative thoughts. Approach positive ones. Learn to identify self talk and respond quickly. Train daily and improve. This is the core experience of GG Apps.
GG RO: Relationship doubt and obsession is the first of a series of apps we’re launching on a new and exciting platform named GG Apps.
It features:
– 15 free levels to learn, understand and improve.
– 1 free daily training level.
– In total, 45 levels including topics such as doubt, uncertainty, regret and other relationship related statements.
The app has two main types of audiences:
1. People who suffer from relationship obsession (ROCD) and would like to improve their condition by training daily.
2. People who are in relationships, want to be in a relationship, would like to improve their understanding of relationship related fears, doubts and obsession.
Group 1 will benefit from using the app as a therapy assisting tool. It can provide users with more information about their condition, as well as better understanding of how other people who suffer from similar doubts think and feel. Daily training can benefit by enhancing people’s ability to identify and respond to self-talk.
Group 2 can use the app to better understand the various types of relationship related self-talk we all experience daily. By discovery and training, we can all be better at how we analyse and respond to conflicts, situations and thoughts.
According to A/Professor Guy Doron and his colleague Gur Ilany, the application developed (named ‘GG RO: Relationship Doubt and Obsession’) was especially designed for dealing with relationship doubts and fears. The application is based on the principles of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) – one of the most research-supported psychological therapies.
According to CBT models, negative self-talk – individuals’ ongoing interpretations of the self, others and the world – maintain psychological difficulties such as obsessive preoccupation, low mood, and maladaptive behaviors. In ROCD, for instance, individuals negative self-talk often relates to fear of being in the wrong relationships or/and missing the ‘right’ relationship. Individuals with such fears will continuously say to themselves (in their heads) phrases such as ‘Maybe my partner is not the ONE’, ‘He is not smart enough for me’ or ‘I will regret my decision to stay/leave with my partner forever‘. Such negative self-talk, of course, ultimately increases relationship doubts/fears, intensifies negative mood and often provokes relationship conflict.
A/Professor Guy Doron says ‘’GG Relationship’ was developed in order to provide an accessible CBT training platform that would allow individuals with relationship fears and doubts to better deal with negative self-talk’. According to Gur Ilany, the application is designed to ‘(1) increase individuals’ awareness of negative self-talk, (2) train individuals’ to better identify and challenge negative self-talk, (3) increase individuals’ access to neutral and positive self-talk, and (4) increase the automaticity of the above processes’.
The core gameplay of the training is simple: individuals are presented with ‘blocks’ featuring self-talk statements such as “I am proactive”, “I am reliable” or “I am a loser”- and have to respond by pulling the supportive ‘blocks’ towards themselves (i.e., downwards) and throwing away from themselves the negative ‘blocks’ (i.e., rejecting them upwards). A/Prof Doron says ‘to further strengthen learning of supportive self-talk, each level the player completes is followed by a small memory game in which one has to identify a supportive statements that appeared in the previous level’.
Training using this application, Gur says ‘will hopefully allow for gradual, steady learning of more positive self-talk thereby helping to break the vicious thought cycle maintaining relationship doubts and preoccupations’. The new app is going to be ready for downloading from the app store and Google Play at the beginning of June, 2016.