We are often being asked about various topics related to the app, obsession, OCD and ROCD in particular. Let’s try to address some of these.
Frequently asked questions
Q: How do I treat ROCD with the app?
A: The app can be used as a supplementary treatment, or as a personal, accessible way to understand, learn, train and improve your overall condition. However, it cannot be regarded as an ‘ROCD treatment’
Q: Is GGRO a complete treatment for my condition?
A: It is not advised to rely on the app itself as a all-in-one-solution for ROCD or relationship-related obsession. If you have minor difficulties dealing with doubts and fears related to your relationships, the app may be helpful. If you suffer from more serious obsessions and anxiety – you should consider contacting a therapist.
Q: What is the psychological model GGRO (ROCD) relies on?
A: In short, we base the app on two types of the human learning system (models psychologists call the Dual Process Models). This model suggest we learn using two parallel processes:
1. Aware deliberate processes : in GGRO we teach ourselves to be more aware of self-talk, situations, thoughts, responses, etc. We learn about beliefs and how we can question them.
2. Automatic, less conscious processes : in GGRO we train our minds to automatically prefer and encourage positive thinking that improve our self esteem, mood, and flexibility. We adapt healthy patterns in which we respond and act.
Q: Is there a risk that I may use the app for self-reassurance so eventually it may increase my obsession?
A: If you follow our suggestions the risk is limited. GGRO aims to train you to look at your thoughts and beliefs regarding relationship in a more flexible way. Each day you learn new ways of thinking about a particular topic (3-levels each). We recommend that you play up to 3 levels each day. Take a break, and let your mind consolidate learning during rest and sleep. If possible, use the app at the same time every day. Don’t use the app in response to distress or when you experience symptoms. Use the app at a regular time each day.
Q: What is ROCD? Is it really a type of OCD? Isn’t it just problems with relationships?
A: ROCD is a theme which is part of OCD.
Relationship Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (ROCD) refers to an increasingly researched obsessional theme – romantic relationships. ROCD often involves preoccupation, doubts, and neutralizing behaviors centered on one’s feelings towards a relationship partner, the partner’s feelings towards oneself, and the “rightness” of the relationship experience (relationship-centered; Doron, Derby, Szepsenwol, & Talmor, 2012a). Relationship-related OC phenomena may also include disabling preoccupation with the perceived flaws of one’s relationship partner (partner-focused; Doron, Derby, Szepsenwol, & Talmor, 2012b).
More information can be read on rocd.net.
Q: Why do you charge $20 for the full app? Most apps cost just $1-5
A: GGRO (ROCD) is a highly specialised app that we created for a relatively small niche. It is very focused and can be invaluable for people who suffer from ROCD. At the same time, if you are not sure whether it is worth the price, feel welcome to play and use the 15 free levels of the app. They can give you a good idea of what’s to come later in the more advanced levels.
Q: Is there going to be an app for “Pure O” or “regular” OCD?
A: Yes! This is actually planned as our next release on the platform. We wanted to start with ROCD so we can first address a smaller community of people we understand relatively well, learn from the mistakes we make and improve the app where necessary, then launch for wider audience.
Q: Who is behind GG Apps?
A: We are actually a core team of two: A/Prof Guy Doron, whose work on OCD and ROCD is the theoretical and practical base for our venture. And Gur Ilany, author, designer, developer and entrepreneur who’s doing most of the design and development. We are thrilled to be able to create and publish digital products that can help people.
We also want to take this opportunity to encourage you to write to us about ideas, questions and anything else you wish to share.
You can contact us here.