Discover our new app on Product Hunt

Our newest app, GG Sex Life, is launching on Product Hunt tonight, and we invite you to come and help promote it by up-voting. GG Sex Life is our latest effort, focusing on improving people’s sex life by enhancing sex related mental aspects, and helping deal with fears, performance anxiety, and more.

GG Apps Explained

A short presentation explaining GG Apps Platform for new and existing users. Join Tom on his journey for better self-esteem, confidence and general mental wellness. GG Explained – The above presentation is a simplified visual explanation of GG Apps Platform. It is designed with an imaginary person, Tom, who self-manages his mental wellness using the […]

Showing off some amazing user feedback on GG Confidence

We learned the hard way that it’s important to check for user reviews of our apps – so now that we do read the feedback regularly, we often find some really encouraging gems – but few are like the following one coming from Jess, about GG Confidence & Self esteem: This app is a GAME […]

GG Depression: Prevent and Beat Depressive Thoughts

Main audience:  People who want to prevent depression, beat depressive thoughts and general mood. By training daily, people with low mood that are now in therapy would like to use GGDE to practice between sessions, and people who already had treatment for depression and want to prevent relapse. Download links [su_button url=”″ size=”5″ background=”#e2b308″]GGDE iPhone[/su_button] [su_button […]

How to accept my body (and promote a positive body image)

Being humans, we often have something we don’t like about our bodies, or feel uncomfortable with. It could be our facial features, our weight, our posture, hair color, or even the look on our face when we see ourselves in the mirror first thing in the morning. Keeping a positive body image is a great […]

GGSE: Improve Confidence & Self esteem

Main audience:  People who want to improve and maintain their levels of confidence by training daily, people with low self-esteem that are now in therapy would like to use GGSE to practice between sessions, and people who already had treatment for low self-esteem or depression and want to prevent relapse. Download links [su_button url=”″ size=”5″ background=”#e2b308″]GGSE […]

GGRO: Relationship Doubt & Obsession (ROCD)

GGRO is the first app to target people who suffer from relationship obsession (ROCD). It was designed by Prof. Guy Doron of IDC, a researcher and evangelist in the field of OCD and ROCD. Download links [su_button url=”″ size=”5″ background=”#e20829″]GGRO iPhone[/su_button] [su_button url=”” size=”5″ background=”#e20829″]GGRO Android[/su_button] Can I benefit from the app if I have […]